ACI 548.15-20 Specifcation for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection.
63. A statement such as the following will serve to make ACt SpecifIcation 548.15 a part of the Project Specification:
“Work on (Project Title) shall conform to all requirements oIACI Specification 548.15. Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection, published by the American Concrete Institute. Farmington Hills. Michigan. except as modified by these Contract Documents.”
64. Each technical section oIACI Specification 548.15 is written in the three-part section lijnnat of the Construction Specifications Institute, as adapted for ACI requirements. The language is imperative and terse.
65. IfACI Specification 548.15 is used with another ACI specification that contains overlapping provision, identify which requirements are in conflict and stale in the Contract Documents which requirements govern.
Foreword to Checklists
Ft. This Foreword is included for explanatory purposes only: it does not form a part of ACT Specification 548.15.
F2. ACI Specification 548.15 may be referenced by the specifier in the Project Specification for any building project. together with supplementary requirements for the specific project. Responsibilities for project participants must be defined in the Project Specification. ACI Specification 548.15 cannot and does not address responsibilities for any project participant other than the Contractor.
F3. Checklists do not form a part of ACI Specification 548.15. Checklists assist the specifier in selecting and specifying project requirements in the Project Specification.
F4. The Mandatory Requirements Checklist indicates work requirements regarding specific qualities, procedures. materials, and performance criteria that are not defined in ACI Specification 548.15. The specifier must include these requirements in the Project Specification.
F5. The Optional Requirements Checklist identifIes specifier alternatives and additions. The checklists identify the sections. parts, and articles of ACT Specification 548.15 and the action required or available to the specifier. The specifier should review each of the items in the checklist and make adjustments to the needs of a particular project by including those selected alternatives or additions as mandatory requirements in the Project Specification.
F6. (‘lied ,v/èrences—Documents and publications that are referenced in the Checklists oCACI Specification 548.15 are listed as follows. These references provide guidance to the specifier and are not considered to be part of ACI SpeciIlcation 548.15.ACI 548.15 pdf download.