ACI 308.1-11 Specification for Curing Concrete.
1 .3—DefinItions
accepted—determined to he satisfactory by Architectl Engineer.
cold %eather—a period when the average daily ambient temperature is below 4OF for more than three successive days. (Note: The average daily temperature is the average of the highest and lowest temperature during the period from midnight to midnight. When temperatures above 50°F occur dunng more than half of any 24-hour duration, the period shall no longer be regarded as cold weather.)
Contract Documents —a set of documents supplied by Owner to Contractor as the basis for construction. These documents contain contract forms. contract conditions. specifications. drawings, addenda, and contract changes.
curing period—time during which continuous curing procedures are employed. (Note; The curing period includes the initial and final curing stages.)
dry—having no visible liquid water.
evaporation retardant—a material applied to the surface of concrete, before set, to reduce the evaporation rate of water without interfering with finishing operations.
final curing—deliberate action taken between the final finishing and termination of curing to reduce the loss of water from the surface of the concrete and control the temperature of the concrete.
hot weather —high ambient temperature in combination with high concrete temperature, low relative humidity. high wind velocity, and solar radiation that may cause excessive evaporation.
initial curing—deliberate action taken between placement and final tinishing of concrete to reduce the loss of water from the surface of the concrete.
permitted—accepted by or acceptable to Architect! Engineer, usually pertains to a request by Contractor, or when specilied in Contract Documents.
required mandatory as presciihcd in Project Specilications or Contract Documents.
submit—provide to Architect/Engineer for review.
submittal—document or material provided to Architectl Engineer for review and acceptance.
testing agency—the person, firm, or entity under contract for testing.
wet—covered with visible free moisture; not dry.
1 .4—Submittais
1.4.1 Curing material.c—Submii qualification test data on curing materials called for in this specification as required by the Architect/Engineer for review and acceptance. Forward submittals to the Architect/Engineer a minimum of 7 days bekwe execution of the Work unless otherwise specified. No concrete shall be placed until the Architect/Engineer has accepted the curing materials.ACI 308.1 pdf download.