NFPA 423-1999 Standard for Construction and Protection of Aircraft Engine Test Facilities.
Chapter 2 Construction and Internal Subdivisions 2-1 Construction of Aircraft Engine Test Facilities. 2-1.1 Test cell walls, ceilings, and floor assemblies shall be at least Type II (222) construction as defined in NFPA 220, Stan- dard on Types of Building Construction. 2-1.2 Materials of construction such as thermal or acoustic insulation used within the test cell shall be noncombustible as defined in Chapter 2 of NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Build- ing Construction. 2-1.3 Belowgrade Limitations. 2-1.3.1 Engine test facilities shall be constructed without base- ments or belowgrade areas other than those recesses in the floor necessary to accommodate sump pumps, drainage facili- ties, or lifting platforms. 2-1.3.2 In existing facilities, all basement areas, tunnels, or other belowgrade spaces shall be eliminated; or the fuel han- dling system shall be segregated, drainage shall be provided, and the basement area shall be cut off so as to eliminate the possibility of flammable vapors collecting in the basement area or a spill of flammable or combustible liquids discharging into a basement area. 2-1.4* An explosion hazard analysis of the engine test cell shall be performed to determine whether an explosion hazard capable of compromising the integrity of the structure exists. If the analysis indicates that such a hazard exists, one of the fol- lowing shall be incorporated: (1) Explosion venting (2) Explosion suppression system (3) Explosion limiting construction 2-2* Internal Subdivisions of Aircraft Engine Test Facili- ties. Engine test cells, fuel handling areas, and hydraulic rooms shall be separated from adjacent areas by construction having a minimum fire rating of 2 hours.
3-4 Heating and Cooling. 3-4.1* Heating and cooling systems shall be arranged to achieve all of the following results: (1) Reduce exposure of their vital elements to fire, explo- sion, and damage by metal (2) Eliminate introduction of ignition sources by compo- nents of heating systems (3) Minimize passage of fire through ductwork (4) Eliminate pockets in which flammable vapors can accumulate 3-4.2* Steam, hot water, or indirect warm-air heating systems shall be used for general room or building heating in areas where flammable or combustible liquids or flammable gases are handled. Where flammable or combustible liquids or heavier-than-air flammable gases are used, return openings in hot air systems shall be located a minimum of 10 ft (3 m) above the floor. A conveniently located remote control station shall be provided to shut down the warm-air heating system. 3-4.3* Cooling systems utilizing flammable refrigerants shall not be installed or used within the test cell.NFPA 423 pdf download.