NFPA 306-2019 Standard for the Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels.
3.3.15* Flammable Cryogenic Liquid Contanment System. The arrangement for containment of cargo or fuel including, where applicable, a primary and secondary barrier, associated insulation, and any intervening spaces and adjacent structures if necessary for the support of these elements. 3.3. 16 Flammable Cryogenic Liquid Hold Space. The space enclosed by the vessel’s structure in which a cargo containment system is situated. 3.3.17* Flammable Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point that is below 37 .8*C (100°F) and a maximum vapor pressure of 2068 mm Hg (40 psia) at 37.8*C (100°F). 3.3.18 Hollow Structures. A structure that is enclosed and not open to the atmosphere, including, but not limited to, the following: rudders, rudder stocks, skegs, castings, masts and booms, rails, lapped plates, and other hollow attachments on a vessel or in a shipyard that enclose a void space. 3.3.19 Host Employer. An employer who is in charge of coor- dinating work or who hires other employers to perform work at a multi-employer worksite. 3.3.20* Hot Work. Any activity involving any of the following: riveting, welding, burning, the use of powder-actuated tools or similar fire-producing operations; any operation that raises the temperature of the work piece equal to or greater than 204°C (400*F); or grinding. dilling, abrasive blasting, or similar oper- ations in the presence of or against the accumulations of read- ily combustible materials or flammable or combustible liquids, gases, or vapors when the atmosphere exceeds 10 percent of 。the LEL. 3.3.21 Interbarrier Space. That space associated with a fiam- mable cryogenic liquid tank between a primary and secondary barrier, whether or not completely or partially occupied by insulation or other material.
3.3.35 Visual Inspection. The physical survey of the space or compartment and surroundings in order to identify potential atmospheric and fre hazards. N 3.3.36 Waterfront Facility. All piers, wharves, docks, or similar structures to which vessels might be secured and all naval yards, stations,and installations, including ranges; areas of land, water, or land and water under and in immediate proximity to them; buildings on them or contiguous to them; and equip- ment and materials on or in them. 3.3.33 Toxic. A property of any chemical that has the capacity to produce adverse health effects or injury to workers, which is dependent on concentration and route of entry. 3.3.34* Vessel. Every description of watercraft or other artif- cial contrivance used or capable of being used as a means 0 transportation on water, including special purpose floating structures not primarily designed for or used as a means of transportation on water.NFPA 306 pdf download.