NFPA 1975-1999 Standard on Station/Work Uniforms for Fire and Emergency Services.
2-1.2 All certification shall be performed by a certification organization that meets at least the requirements specified in Section 2-2 and that is accredited for personal protective equipment in accordance with ANSI Z34.1, Standard for Third- Party Certification Program for Products, Processes, and Services. 2-1.3* Station/work uniforms that are intended to provide primary protection from a specific hazard(s) shall not be cer- tified only to this standard. Station/work uniforms that are intended to provide primary protection from a specific haz- ard(s) shall be certified to the appropriate NFPA standard(s) that applies to protection from the intended hazard(s) and shall also be certified to this standard. 2-1.4 All individual garments of compliant station/work uni- forms shall be labeled and listed. The product label(s) shall meet the requirements specified in 3-1.1. 2-1.5* The certification organization’s label, symbol, or iden- tifying mark shall be attached to the product label or shall be part of the product label.
2-3.6 Testing conducted by the certification organization in accordance with the testing requirements of Chapter 6, for determining product compliance with the applicable require- ments specified in Chapter 5 of this standard, shall be per- formed on samples representative of materials and components used in the actual construction of emergency medical garments, gloves, or face protection devices. The cer- tification organization shall also be permitted to use sample materials cut from a representative product. 2-3.7 Any change in the design, construction, or material of a compliant product shall necessitate new inspection and test- ing to verify compliance to all applicable requirements of this standard that the certification organization determines can be affected by such change. This recertification shall be con- ducted before labeling the modified products as being compli- ant with this standard. 2-3.8 The certification organization shall not allow any modi- fications, pretreatment, conditioning, or other such special processes of the product or any product component prior to the product’s submission for evaluation and testing by the cer- tification organization. The certification organization shall accept, from the manufacturer for evaluation and testing for certification, only product or product components that are the same in every respect to the actual final product or prod- uct component. The certification organization shall not allow the substitution, repair, or modification, other than as specifi- cally permitted herein, of any product or any product compo- nent during testing.NFPA 1975 pdf download.