NFPA 1936-1999 Standard on Powered Rescue Tool Systems.
2-3 Inspection and Testing. 2-3.1 Sampling levels for testing and inspection shall be estab- lished by the certification organization and the manufacturer to ensure a reasonable and acceptable reliability at a reason- able and acceptable confidence level that products certifed to this standard are compliant, unless such sampling levels are specified herein. Information about sampling levels shall be provided to the purchaser on request. 2-3.2 Inspection by the certification organization shall include a review of all product labels to ensure that the required product label format, content, arrangement, and attachment are as speci- fied in Section 3-1. 2-3.3 Inspection by the certification organization shall include a review of all product labels to ensure that all required worded statements and other information specified in Section 3-1 are cor- recty stated and presented on the product label(s) as applicable for the specific product. 2-3.4 Inspection by the certification organization shall include a review of the user information that is required by Section 3-2 to ensure that the infomation has been developed by and is sup- plied to the user by the manufacturer. 2-3.5 Inspection by the certification organization to deter- mine compliance with the design requirements specified in Chapter 4 shall be performed on whole or complete systems or products. 2-3.6 Testing conducted by the certification organization to determine product compliance with the applicable perfor- mance requirements specified in Chapter 5 shall be per- formed on samples that are representative of materials and components used in the actual construction of RTS or RT components. Where applicable, the certification organization shall be permitted to also use sample materials that are cut or taken from a representative component. 2-3.7 The certification organization shall evaluate any change in the design, construction, or material of compliant products to verify continued compliance to all applicable requirements of this standard.
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