NFPA 1401-2001 Recommended Practice for Fire Service Training Reports and Records.
3.2.4 Accuracy and Details. Accuracy and clarity are essential in any report or form. If the reader or recipient detects inac- curacy, then the veracity of the represented writer or division, as well as the value of the report, is suspect. Details, without the inclusion of unnecessary information, are necessary to show progress or accomplishment. Care should be exercised to ensure that the point or summary is reached and that infor- mation in other forms or reports is not duplicated. 3.2.5 Types of Training Reports. The number and types of training reports that need to be prepared vary from depart- ment to department. While there are differing needs among fire departments, certain reports should be common to most departments. Some typical recommended training reports include the following: (1) A complete inventory of apparatus and equipment assigned to the training division (2) Detailed plans for training improvements that include all equipment and facility needs and cost figures (3) A detailed periodic report on and evaluation of the train- ing of all probationary fire fighters (4) A monthly summary of all activities of the training division (5) An annual report of all activities of the training division. The annual report should describe the accomplishments during the year, restate the goals and objectives of the training division, and describe the projected plans for the upcoming year. 3.2.6 Narrative Report. There are times when a narrative report should be necessary. Before writing a narrative report, the writer should consider the audience for the report. The comprehensiveness of the report should be determined by the recipients’ knowledge of the subject.
3.3 Training Records. 3.3.1 Training records should be kept to document depart- ment training and should assist in determining the program’s effectiveness. Information derived from such records should, for example, provide the supporting data needed to justify additional training personnel and equipment. 3.3.2 Performance tests, examinations, and personnel evalua- tions should contribute to the development of the training program if the results are analyzed, filed, and properly applied. Training records should be kept current and should provide the status and progress of all personnel receiving training. Frequent review of training records should provide a clear picture of the success or failure of the training program. 3.3.3 Properly designed training records should be developed to meet the specific needs of each fire department. Training records should be detailed enough to enable factual reporting while remaining as simple as possible. The number of records should be kept at a minimum to avoid confusion and duplica- tion of effort.NFPA 1401 pdf download.