NFPA 1061-2018 Standard for Public Safety Telecommunications Personnel Professional Qualif cations.
9.6 Continuing Education. This duty involves utilizing communication center data and results from reviewed calls for service, along with the implementation of new communication center policies and procedures to develop and deliver continu‐ ing education. 9.6.1 Direct communication center members during a train‐ ing evolution, given a training evolution and training policies and procedures, so that the evolution is performed in accord‐ ance with safety plans effciently and as directed. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Verbal communication techniques to facilitate learning. (B) Requisite Skills. The ability to distribute issue-guided directions to unit members during training evolutions. 9.7 Credentialing. This duty involves maintaining certifca‐ tions, licenses, accreditations, and performing benchmarks that are required by all communication center personnel and others required by the AHJ. 9.7.1 Schedule and recommend training, given the communi‐ cation center personnel certifcation and others required certif‐ ication by the AHJ, so that all personnel will meet and maintain all required training within the agency’s established policies and procedures. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Verbal communications during emergency and non-emergency calls for service, techniques used to verify and collect information under stressful and non- stressful situations, and methods of confrming those tech‐ niques. (B) Requisite Skills. The ability to provide written or elec‐ tronic reports from reviewed calls for service and to meet mini‐ mum call review requirements utilized by the AHJ.
(B) Requisite Skills. Basic research, using job performance requirements to develop behavioral objectives, student needs assessment, development of instructional media, outlining techniques, evaluation techniques, and resource needs analysis. [1041:5.3.2(B)] 10.3.2 Modify an existing training topic, given an existing lesson plan, so that the topic remains relevant and that the technology is updated to standards set by the AHJ. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Thorough knowledge of the exist‐ ing lesson plan, improvements in industry standards and equip‐ ment, and improvements in instructional media. (B) Requisite Skills. Research skills. 10.3.3 Create a remediation strategy, given an evaluation report indicating the need for further training, so that trainees failing to meet standard lesson plan standards are given addi‐ tional training. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Minimum accepted competency levels established by the AHJ, specifc evaluation results of trainees recommended for remediation, and training strategies for varied learning styles. (B) Requisite Skills. None. 10.4 Maintain Training Schedule and Staff. 10.4.1 Maintain a continuing education training schedule, given an established lesson plan, so that training is ongoing and that continuing education objectives are met. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Lesson plan topics, certifcation expiration dates, and AHJ, state, and federal minimum training requirements/certifcations.
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