IEC 62037-3-2021 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement – Part 3: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial connectors.
This part of IEC 62037 defines the impact test on coaxial connectors to evaluate their robustness against weak connections and particles inside the connector, as independently as possible from the effects of cable PIM (passive intermodulation).
For other connectors (e.g. panel mounted connectors), the cable can be replaced by an adequate transmission-line (e.g. airline, stripline). In order to evaluate the effects of mechanical stresses on the connectors, a series of impacts is applied to the connectors while measuring the PIM.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 62037-1 , Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement – Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods
IEC 62037-4, Passive RF. and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement – Part 4: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cables
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
3.2 Abbreviated terms
DUT Device under test
IM Intermodulation
PIM Passive intermodulation
4 Test method
4.1 Samples for testing
One of the two following set-ups may be used.
NOTE Correct assembly methods and techniques are critical to the proper operation of the connector on the cable.
a) Set-up 1 – Multi-port DUT
In order to minimize the effect of the transmission line, a short assembly should be tested.
Identical connectors should be assembled at each end. An assembly, as short as physically practical, should be constructed.
b) Set-up 2 – One-port DUT
A single connector can be assembled on a length of transmission line for which it is designed that exhibits at least 1 0 dB of attenuation in one direction at the lowest frequency in the receive band.
4.2 Connection of unit
The unit shall be connected as described in IEC 62307-1 .
4.3 Set-up 1 – Fixed frequency test considerations
Due to the phase interaction of the connectors and the length of the transmission line (configuration A) when measured in the reverse (reflected) mode, the frequency at which maximum PIM occurs within the band can vary and shall be determined.
An accepted method of sweeping is to fix f 1 at the low end of the transmit band and step f 2 down, starting at the top of the band for all combinations of frequencies that result in IM in the receive band. If desired, this procedure can be reversed by fixing f 2 at the highest frequency in the transmit band and then stepping f 1 up, starting at the bottom of the band.IEC 62037-3 pdf download.