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ISO 24620-3:2021 Language resource management — Controlled human communication (CHC) — Part 3: Basic principles and methodology for controlled oral communication (COralCom). These basic principles and the methodology are specified to provide an explanatory power to show how each of the linguistic components (minimal language sound units or distinctive features) or their combinations and transformations abstracted from, or embedded in, context shall be either used or avoided, so that no ambiguities of either intra- or inter-language are produced. In consequence, the methodology proposed uses the linguistic phenomena conformant to the basic principles for the production and generation of sounds and other relevant linguistic components, this instead of a lexicon, and specifies a system of constraint rules completed with an algorithm which, when applied, results in aiding avoiding ambiguities and confusion. 5.2 Problem: specific issues The methodology for controlled oral communication focuses on the sound aspect of human communication. The basic problem is that oral messages interchanged between humans are pronounced with multiple accentuations and listened to by ears not necessarily receptive to the same phonetic system. This problem is threefold as it concerns: a) distinctive phonetic features and their contextually sensitive assimilatory variations, b) phonemes that can be specific to each particular language such as, for example, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Korean, etc., and c) homophones and quasi-homophones engendering ambiguities. The distinctive feature shall be used instead of listing all the possible words which cause confusion. A list of words is never exhaustive and is only relevant for a certain domain of application, and furthermore each word is dealt together with its context (environment in the sentence). For this reason, this methodology is rule-based: instead of a lexicon, it establishes a system of ordered constraint rules based on linguistic phenomena that conform to the basic principles that shall be followed in order to choose the right word according to its context and to the specific application domain. 5.3 Principles 5.3.1 Overview The principles addressing the three specific issues listed in 52 formulate rules for building a controlled oral lexicon. The process of this formulation starts with the analysis and description of distinctive (phonetic) features (5.3.2) that serve to build phonemes (5.13) and terminates with the formation of words (5..3A) that include problematic homophones and quasi-homophones.ISO 24620-3 pdf download.

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