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ISO 24613-4:2021 Language resource management — Lexical markup framework (LMF) — Part 4: TEI serialization. The elements provided by the TEl Guidelines within <gramGrp> for grammatical description of an associated class are as follows. — <pos>20) (part of speech) to indicate the grammatical category of the lexical item. This corresponds to the /partOfSpeech/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 1 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=partOfSpeech>, as used in the TEl Lex 0 initiativell. — <gen>21) (grammatical gender) to indicate the grammatical gender (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /grammaticalGender/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 2 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=’grarnmaticalGender>. — <number>22) (grammatical number) to indicate the grammatical number (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /grammaticalNumher/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 3 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type&’grammaticalNumber>. — <per>23) (person) to indicate the grammatical person (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /person/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 4 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=”person”>. — <tns>24) (tense) to indicate the grammatical tense (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /grammaticalTense/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE S This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=’grammaticalTense”>. — <subc>25) (subcategorization) to indicate suhcategorization information (e.g. transitivef intransitive/ditra nsitive, countable/non-countable, etc.). — <iType>26) (inflectional class) to indicate the inflectional class associated with the lexical item. For instance, to indicate that the part of speech is a verb and that it is intransitive, the following construct shall he used, see Examples I to 3.ISO 24613-4 pdf download.

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