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AATCC 23-2015 Colorfastness to Burnt Gas Fumes. 2. Principle 2.1 A specimen of the textile and the test control fabric are exposed simultaneously to oxides of nitrogen from burnt gas fumes until the control shows a change in color corresponding to that of the standard of fading. The change in color of the specimen is assessed with the standard gray scale for assessing change in color. If no color change is observed in the specimen after one exposure period or cycle, exposure may be continued, for either a specified number of periods or for the number of periods required to pro- duce a specified amount of color change in the specimen. 3. Terminology 3.1 burnt gas fumes, n.—atmospheric oxides of nitrogen as derived from the combustion of illuminating or heating gas. 3.2 colorfastness, n.—the resistance of a material to change in any of its color characteristics, to transfer of its colorant(s) to adjacent materials, or both, as a result of the exposure of the material to any environment that might be encountered during the processing, testing, storage or use of the material. 4. Safety Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The precautions are ancillary to the testing proce- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- sive. It is the user’s responsibility to use safe and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Manufac- turers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturer’s recommendations. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed. 4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas. 4.2 All chemicals should be handled with care. 4.3 Stoddard solvent is a combustible liquid and presents a moderate hazard. It should not be used near an open flame, and fabric saturated with this solvent should be dried in an adequately venti- lated laboratory hood. Use chemical goggles or face shield, impervious gloves and an impervious apron when handling Stoddard solvent. 4.4 Perchloroethylene is toxic by inhalation, by repeated contact with skin and by ingestion; it MUST be used only in a well vented atmosphere. Toxicology studies with laboratory animals have shown evidence of cancer in rats and mice exposed to perchloroethylene vapors at 100-400 ppm concentrations for prolonged times. Fabric saturated with this solvent should be dried in an ade- quately ventilated laboratory hood. Use chemical...

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