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AASHTO M 277:06(2019) Standard Specification for Wire Rope and Sockets for Movable Bridges. 3.16. regular lay—designates that the wires in the rope strand lay in one direction while the strand itself rotates in the rope in an opposite direction. The rope has, therefore, an outward appearance that all wires in the rope are roughly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the rope. There are two regular lays, as follows: 3.16.1. right regular lay coinrnon!v called “regular lay “,—the strands run in the rope downwards to the right (clockwise) while the wires in the strands rotate to the left (counterclockwise). This is the most used lay. 3.16.2. left regular lav—the strands in the rope run downwards to the left (counterclockwise) while the wires in the strand run to the right (clockwise). (See Figure 1.) The left regular lay is not a commonly used lay and must be specifically ordered. 3.17. reels, nianufiicturing—reels on which the strands and the wire ropes are wound in one continuous length as they are formed on the rope closing machine. 3.18. reels, shipping——reels on which wire strands or wire ropes. cut to the ordered lengths, are wound from the manufacturing reel for shipment. 3.19. rope- a symmetrically arranged and helically twisted assembly of strands. 3.20. sockets— type of wire fitting, including bridge sockets, which are steel castings with baskets for securing rope ends and equipped with adjustable bolts. Closed type as U-bo1t” with or without a bearing block in the U of the bolt. Open type has two eyebolts and pin. 3.21. strand—a symmetrically arranged and helically twisted assembly of wires. 3.22. 6 x 19 wire rope—a common type of construction composed of six strands, each strand containing an equal number of wires, ranging between 15 and 26. The six strands are helically twisted around a core of polypropylene, natural hard fiber, an independent wire rope, or a strand.AASHTO M 277 pdf download.

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