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CSA B66-2016 Design, material, and manufacturing requirements for prefabricated septic tanks and sewage holding tanks. Gas deflector — a device for preventing solids that are resuspended through gas production from entering an outlet. Note: The gas deflector is attached to or positioned close to the outlet. Joint — an interface where two or more pieces of a tank are in contact. Note: The joint includes the lid—wall interface and riser sections but does not include the access opening. Laminate — a product made by bonding two or more layers of a material or materials. Partition (tank divider) — a structural component in a tank that separates septic and effluent chambers when they are combined a an integral unit. Pigment — an organic or inorganic colour body added to the plastic to provide colour and/or opacity. Pipe stiffness — the resistance to elastic deformation under applied stress; the value is obtained by dividing the parallel plate load in N (at a deflection of 5%) by the length of the pipe in metres and then by the actual deflection in mm (at a testing speed of 12.5 mm/mm). Note: The resulting value is in units (N/ that ore dimensionally the some as those used for pressure and stress (which is commonly expressed in kiloposcals (kPa)j; however, N/ and kPa are different quantities and should not be confused with each other. Plastic — a material that a) contains one or more organic polymer substances of large molecular weight as an essential ingredient; b) Is solid in its finished state; and c) can be shaped by flow at some stage in its manufacture or processing into finished product. Note: Rubber, textiles, adhesives, and paints, which in some cases meet this definition, ore not considered plastics. Polyester — a condensation product formed by combining a dibasic acid and a glycol. Note: In this Standard, polyester refers only to unsaturated polyester resins. Polyethylene (PE) — a thermoplastic material formed through the polymerization of ethylene gas with a catalyst at various combinations of temperature and pressure. Polyolefin — a polymer produced from a simple olefin as a monomer. Polypropylene (PP) — a thermoplastic material formed through the polymerization of natural gas with a catalyst at various combinations of temperature and pressure. Pump-out opening — an opening in a tank through which the contents of the chamber or tank can be evacuated. Recognized testing facility — an accredited...

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