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BS ISO 50004:2020 Energy management systems一Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an ISO 50001 energy management system. Organizations can approach this requirement through discussions and structured conversations, and by reviewing sources of information. At the strategic level, tools such as SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis or TDODAR analysis may be used for the identification and evaluation of contextual issues. A simpler approach, such as brainstorming, cart be useful for organizations, depending on the size and complexity of their operations. The processes and outputs of processes used for evaluating the organization’s context can be considered necessary for the effectiveness of the EnMS, and may be maintained as documented information. The triggers and review frequency for conducting these processes should also be defined in documented information. 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties This subclause is designed to ensure that the organization structures a formal framework to identify and respond to internal and external relevant parties’ needs and expectations. An organization determines the interested parties relevant for its energy performance or for its EnMS. The relevant parties can be internal (e.g. employees related to SEtJs that affect energy performance, an energy management team that affects EnMS performance) or external (e.g. providers of equipment that could impact energy performance, clients that could be perceived as affected by the energy performance of the organization). The organization is expected to gain sufficient understanding of the expressed needs and expectations of those internal and external interested parties that have been determined by the organization to be relevant. Understanding these needs and expectations should be sufficient to meet the requirements of the organization. Legal requirements reflect needs and expectations that are mandatory because they have been incorporated into laws, regulations, permits and licences by governmental or court decisions. Legal requirements refer to applicable mandatory requirements related to an organization’s energy use, energy consumption and energy efficiency. EXAMPLE 1 Examples of legal requirements can include but are not limited to: — local, state, provincial, national and international legal requirements; — energy performance standards required by law [or equipment; — regulated energy assessment or energy audit requirements; — energy-related building codes and construction requirements; — energy storage. distribution and transportation codes; — minimum energy efficiency standards; — prohibition or limitation of application of a particular energy for a particular purpose; — energy-type installation codes. Other requirements can refer to voluntary agreements or initiatives, contractual arrangements or...

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