BS ISO 22948-2020 Carbon footprint for seafood一Product category rules (CFP-PCR) for finfish.
5 Methodological requirements
5.1 General
The carbon footprint of fish and fish products shall be calculated In accordance with the established methodology for LCAs as described in ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. and in accordance with the methodology for calculating products’ carbon footprints in accordance with ISO 14067.
NOTE ISO/TS 14027 gIves general guidance for all types of PCRs.
5.2 Functional unit or declared unit
The functional unit or declared unit of a system shall be selected in accordance with the scope and the system boundary of the study. The functional unit of finfish shall capture GHG emissions of all life cycle phases of the CFP, and shall be expressed per mass of edible product consumed by the final user. The declared unit of [mush is more variable but nevertheless shall capture GHG emissions of the specific life cycle phases of the partial CFP under assessment, and shall be expressed per mass of intermediate product produced, e.g. live-mass or head-on-gutted fin fish.
As supplementary information, the carbon footprint may be stated relative to other functional units or declared units, e.g. CO2 equivalents per:
— kilogram of whole product;
— sold unit;
— unit of nutrient, such as protein, lipids or specific vitamins;
— energy unit (mega joules or kilocalories).
EXAMPLE I A partial CFP Is conducted on an aquaculture production system. The LCA practitioner selected cradle-to-farm gate system boundaries to specifically assess impacts occurring during hatchery and grow-out production phases. The practitioner’s declared unit is consequently “1 t of live-mass farmed Atlantic salmon at farm gate”.
EXAMPLE 2 A CFP is conducted on frozen cod fillet. To include all life cycle phases in the carbon footprint, the practitioner selects cradle-to-grave system boundaries. This means that the CFP must consider and include emissions starting with cod fisheries up to the consumption of cod fillet. The practitioner’s functional unit is consequently “200 g frozen cod fillets consumed”.
5.3 Principles of data and methodological reporting
Methodologies, standards and guidance documents that are already recognized internationally and adopted for product categories should be applied, to enhance comparability between CFPs within any specific product category.
The CFP study shall be structured around a functional unit (CFP) or a declared unit (partial CFP). The results are calculated relative to this functional unit or declared unit. The selection of data and methods shall be appropriate to the assessment of the GHG emissions and removals arising from the system under study.
Calculating carbon footprints and removals that provide a significant contribution to the CFP or partial CFP of the product system under study shall be included. The level of significance is determined by the cut-off criteria (see &5,2).
All relevant issues shall be addressed and documented in an open, comprehensive and understandable presentation of information. Assumptions, methods and data shall be applied in the same way throughout the CFP study to arrive at conclusions in accordance with the goal and scope definition. Any relevant assumptions should be disclosed, and the methodologies and data sources used shall be appropriately referenced. Any estimates shall be clearly explained and bias avoided so that the CFP study report represents what it purports to represent.BS ISO 22948 pdf download.