BS ISO 20766-11-2020 Road vehicles – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components Part 11: Manual shut-off valve.
This document specifws general information regarding the manual shut offvalvc component of liquefied petroleum gas fuel. Intended for use on the types of motor vehicles as defined in ISO 3833. It provides general design principles and specliles requirements icr instructions and marking. It also specifies test requirements for the manual shut alT valve,
This document is applicable to vehicles (mono-fuel. bi-fuel or dual-fuel applications) using gaseous fuels in accordance with ISO 9162. Ills not applicable to the Iollowing
a) fuel containers:
b) stationary gs engines:
c) container mounting hardware:
d) electronic luel management;
e) refuelling receptacles.
NOTE I II ii recognised that ,niscrlla,wou components ,u* specilically addressed herein can be esainined for compliance with the criteria of any applicable part of ISO 20766, including testing to the appropriate functional tests.
NOTE. 2 All rrferences to pressure in this document ar, considered gauge prescLIres unless otherwise specified.
NOTE 3 This document ipplses to devices which hav, a service pressure In the rang, cit 110 liPs (Butane rich at 20 C) and 840 kPa (Propane at 20 C). hereinafter referred to in this document. Other service pressures can be accommodated by adjusting the pressure by the appropnate factor (ratio).
2 Normative references
The lollowing documents are referred to In the teSt in such a way that some or all of their content constittites requirements of this document For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (induding any amendments) applies.
ISO 20766.1. Roud vehicles — L4qu4kd petroleum gas (Ll) fuel systems components — Part 1: General requirements and definitions
ISO 20766-2. Road vehicles — Laquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel systems components — Pan Z’ Performance and 9enrul test methods
3 Terms and definitIons
For the purposes of this document, the terms antI definitions given in ISO 20766.1 apply.BS ISO 20766-11 pdf download.