BS ISO 1585-2020 Road vehicles一Engine test code一Net power.
5.3 Test conditions
5.3.1 The net power test shall consist ol a run at full throttle for spark-ignluon engines and at the fixed full-load fuel Injection pump setting for compresslon-Igrnuon engines, the engine being equipped ale specified in Table 1.
5,3.2 Perfcwmanc. data shall be obtained under stabilized operating conditions, with an adciiiiatc fresh air su pply to the engine.
Engines shall have been run-In, started and warmed up In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Combustion chambers may contain deposits, but in limited quantity. Test condittons such as inlet air temperature shall be selected as near to reference conditions (see 6.2) as possible in order to minimise the correction tactor.
5.33 The temperature of the inlet air to the engine (ambient air), shall he measured within 0,15 m upstream ol the air Inlet duct work.
The thermometer or thermocouple shall he shielded from radiant heat and located directly in the airstre,iin, It shall also be shielded from fuel spray back, A sufficient number of I catons shall be used to give a representative average inlet temperature,
5.3.4 The inlet depression shall be measured downstream or the entry duds, air filter, Inlet silencer. speed-limitIng device (If they are fined) or their equivalents
5.3.5 The absolute pressure at the entry to the engine, downstream of the compressor and heat exchangcs If they are fitted, shall be measured in the inlet manifold and at any other point where pressure has to be measured to cakulare correction factors.
5.3.6 The exhaust back pleasure shall be measured at a point at least three pipe diameters lewn the outlet flange(s) of the exhaust manifold(s) and downstream of the turbocharger(s). ii fitted. 11w location shall be speofied.
5.3.7 No data shall be taken until torque, speed and temperature have been maintained substantially constant for at least I min
5.3.8 The engine speed dunng a run or reading shall not deviate from the selected speed by more than
21 %or ±10 mln’, whichever 1. greater.
5.3.9 Observed brake load, fuel flow and inlet air temperature dat.i shall be taken virtually simultaneously and shall, in each case, be the average of two stabilized consecutive readings which do not vary more than 2 % for the brake load and fuel consumption. the second reading shall be determined without any adjustment cit the engene, approximately 1 mm after the first.
5,3.10 The coolant temperature at the engine outlet shall be kept within ±5 K of the upper ther,nostatlcally controlled trmpcraturv specifIed by the manufacturer. If no temperature Is spedfled. the temperature shall be 353 K 2 5K.
For air-cooled engines, the temperature at a point indicated by the manulacturer shall be kept within of the maximum value specified by the manufacturer in the reference conditions.BS ISO 1585 pdf download.