BS EN ISO 08381-2000 Milk based infant foods一 Determination of fat content – Gravimetric method (Reference method).
6.2 Centrifuge. capate of holding ff9 fat-extiaclon flasks or tubes 16.61 and capetite of spwirwlg at a rotational frequsncy 01500 mm-’ 10600 mm-’ 10 prOduCe a raiat acceleration of $O to 90 v at the outer end of the flasks or tes
NOTE The use of ml csntrduge IS o*owwi but rsoo.arnended lese 9.4 7J
6.3 DIstillation or .vapor.tlon apparatus, for diddlIng me solvents and ethanol from the boiting or concal Iteeks, or ovaporating from beakers and dishes (see 9.4 14) at a temperature not exceedetg tOO C.
64 DryIng oven, electccaly heated, isith verlda5on poil(s) fuly open, capaate of b&ng maintained at a tainperakire of 102 C ±2 C throughout Is working space
The oven shal be titled w,th a suite thmorneqew,
5.5 Water baths capable of being maintained at temperatures of between 30 C and 40 C, 40 *C and 60 C,
and6OC and7OC.
6.8 Mojonnter.type tat-extracuon flasks, as speatwd ii ISO 3889.
NOTE Itis also posetle to up, ta.exeac*ion tubes, with siphon or wash-befit, fittws. but then the proceck,e k di’fqrent. The alternative pocadwe is given m amex 5.
The tat.xtraciion flasks shall be provided wah good qunily bark corks or stoppers of other material (e.g. siticone rubber or polyletrafluoroethy4ene (PTFE)J unatlected by the reagents used. Bark corks shal be extracted with the diethyl at flat (541. kept in water at a temperature 0160 C or more for at least 15 mm. arid alias then be ailceed to cool ii the water so that they are saturated when used.
67 Rack foe holdaig Itia tat•ixtractn Iaeks (or tibia) 16.6)
6.8 Wash bottle, suitable foe use wati the mixed solvent (5.6).
A plastics wash bottle shal not be used.
69 Fat-coflecting veasel, such as boding flasks (list bottomed), of capw,t I rn lo 25U mu, wr.u llnxi, of cagec*y 250 ml, or metal dIshes
It metal dishes are used, they aliaS be of stainless steel. flal-boflomed wttti a diameter of 80 mm to 100 mm and a heiglis of appwoiwi’ately 50 mm.
6.10 Boding aids, fat-free, of non-porous porcelain or sdicon carbide (optionat when metal dishes are used)
5.11 Measuring of caiçec*es 5 ml and 25 ml.
612 Pettes. graduated. of capacity 10 ml
6.13 Tongs. med. of metat, for holding tleska, beakers or dishes.
614 VolumetrIc flask. one.maO. of Capacmty 100 ml,
7 Sampling
Sampling le not part of me method specitied in this International Stendard A recommended sampling method is green in ISO 707.
It is riporlant that the laboratory receive a sample which is trijy representativ, arid has not been damaged or changed &ewig transport or storage
Store as Liquid, viscous or pasty samples at a temperature of between 2 C and 6 C from the time of sain*ng to the tine of commencing the procedure. in the case of samples in sealed cane or bottles, store these samples unopened at a temperature babe 20 C.BS EN ISO 08381 pdf download.