BS EN 17333-1-2020 Characterisation of one component foam Part 1: Foam yield characteristics. 2 spacers, not water absorbrng. not adherent (e.g. polyethylene (PE), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), on which polyurethane (PU) does not adhere), dimensions; 100 mm a 30 mm * 30 mm. Joint mould of inner dimensions 360mm a 100mm 30mm. lincoated paper, recommended A3 typewriter
Additional tools: Weighing scale with an accuracy of ±0.1 g Sharp and clean knife blade. ConditIoning chamber capable of being controlled at (23 ± 2) *C and (50 t 5) % RH.
4.1.3 SamplIng ConditIoning
The test conditions shaH be (23 ± 2) C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity unless indicated otherwise. Brine the test container. gypsum board and paper to the test conditions for at least 24 h. Test pieces
A minimum of three samples shall be subjected to the tests given In this section to obtain accurate measurements of material properties.
4.1.4 Test procedure
a) Build three honzontal points using the gypsum boards and spacers (see Figures 1 to 3). The inner dimensions of each joint shall be minimum 360 mm a 100mm a 30mm.
b) Weigh the paper w and insert the sheets in the joints.
c) Mount the dispenser tool on the test container and note the initial test container mass with the dispenser tool (at,).
d) Do not prcmolsten the joint,
e) Shake an unused test container vIgorously 20 times and discard the first (40 ± 10) g of foam. Weigh the test container with the dispenser tool again and note the mass mo.
1) Fill the first joint according to manufacturer’s instruction whilst avoiding overexpanslon. Typical filling levels are (80 ± 10) % of joint height for gun foams and (60 ± 10) % for straw foams.
g) Reweigh the test container with the dispenser tool and note the mass (m4
h) Repeat the steps I) to g) twice with the remainder of the test container (test container half empty and the last 10% of the test container) to fill all three joints. Write down new values form, and mn for both measurements.
NOTE If teat container Is emptied before all three Joints are ftlled only Include the full joints in the calculations.BS EN 17333-1 pdf download.