BS 42020-2013 Biodiversity- Code of practice for planning and development.
319 layperson
person who is not an expert in a given field of knowledge and has no appropriate qualifications or training, or no or little relevant experience
3.20 method statement
document that details a safe system of work. explaining in detail thc work to be undertaken and possibly including illustrations and details of necessary equipment and personnel arid their required competence
NOTE The method statement as usually p,’ovaded to, the client by the principal contractor andior to, the pnncip.el contractor by rIse subcontractorfs).
321 nahonally designated statutory site
area designated at a national lesiel and protected by European and/or national legislation
322 non-statutory designated site
area without protection by the law, designated at a local level and protected by local and national policy
323 professional
person working in an occupation requwing special education, training and experience who provides professional services and i% bound by a code of professional ethics or conduct
NOTE n,onals are normally required by their professional bodies to undertake continuing professional desielapmenr (CPO) as a condition of membership In recognition of their protewonal responsibitlty to ensure that they are equipped with tile most up-to-date knowledge and skiN to discharge thou roles et1eaivel Examples are planners, architects, surveyors. chiN engineers. lanthcape architects and ecologists
3.24 professional ecologist
person who has, through relevant education, training or experience, gained recognized qualifications and expertise in the field of ecology and environmental management
3.25 professional Judgement
use of accumulated knowledge and expenence in order to make an informed decision that Ii clearly capable of being substantiated with supporting evidence
NOTE Polenronal udgemnt takes account of the law, ethical considerations and all ether relevant factors rela ted to tile surrounding cWcurflst.anceL
326 professional scrutiny
close, careful examination or study, with special emphasis on searching for errors or omissions
327 protected species (European)
species identified as species of European Community interest and in need of strict protection, distinguished from other species protected primarily by domestic UK legislation
NOTE These species are listed in Annex iv of European Habitats Directive (4j See 3.2
3.28 protected sp.cles ( protected species)
certain plants and animals listed en and protected by national wildlife legislation NOTE For relevant legislation see Anne.BS 42020 pdf download.