AATCC 101-2019 Test Method for Colorfastness to Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide.
11. Precision and Bias
11.1 Precision. In 2000 a single laboratory study was performed using a single operator.
11.1.1 Samples tested consisted of six fabrics with three replicates each. Refer to Table 1 for the bleach formulas and conditions used. Color change and staining were evaluated instrumentally for each sample.
11.1.2 Within-laboratory standard errors and sample variance are shown in Table III. Data is on file at the AATCC Technical Center.
11.2 Bias. Colorfastness to bleaching with hydrogen peroxide can be defined only in terms of a test method. There is no independent method for determining the true value. As a means of estimating this property, the method has no known bias.
12. Notes 1
2.1 Available from Publications Office, ACGIH, Kemper Woods Center, 1330 Kemper Meadow Dr., Cincinnati OH 45240; +1. 513.742.2020; www.acgih.org.
12.2 For potential equipment information pertaining to this test method, please visit the online AATCC Buyer’s Guide at www. aatcc.org/bg. AATCC provides the possibility of listing equipment and materials sold by its Corporate members, but AATCC does not qualify, or in any way approve, endorse or cer- tify that any of the listed equipment or materials meets the requirements in its test methods.
12.3 The white cloths should be plain weave, medium weight, free from finishes, re- sidual chemicals and chemically damaged fibers. Cotton and linen should be bleached; other materials should be cleaned to their usual degree of whiteness. A white multifiber test fabric may be used instead of the second white cloth.
12.4 Select from Table I the test most suit- able for the conditions under which the fiber is to be used. For example, if a colored silk is to be used as an effect thread in a woolen or wor- sted fabric, check its colorfastness by the wool method. If a colored silk is to be used as an effect thread in a silk fabric, check its colorfast- ness by the silk method.
12.5 Saturated steam may be obtained by placing approximately 20 mL of water in the bottom of a test tube fitted with a flared glass rod long enough to keep the specimens above the water level. Heat to active boil. Use a re- flux condenser to maintain volume of liquor. Invert a small watch glass over the specimen to prevent direct impingement on the sample of water drops from the condenser. 12.6 For very critical evaluations and in cases of arbitration, ratings must be based on the geometric gray scale for evaluating staining.
12.7 Available from AATCC, PO Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709, USA; +1.919.549.8141; ordering@aatcc.org; www.aatcc.org.
13. History
13.1 Revised in 2019 to align format with AATCC style.
13.2 Reaffirmed 2013. Editorially revised 2010. Editorially revised and reaffirmed 2009. Editorially revised 2008. Revised 2004. Editorially revised 2002. Editorially revised 2001. Reaffirmed 1999. Editorially revised 1995. Editorially revised and reaffirmed (with title change) 1994. Editorially revised and reaf- firmed 1989. Editorially revised 1987. Editori- ally revised 1985. Reaffirmed 1984. Reaffirmed 1979. Reaffirmed 1975. Revised 1972. Revised 1968. Revised 1963. 13.3 Developed in 1961 by AATCC Com- mittee RA34.AATCC 101 pdf download.