AASHTO MP 23:15 (2020) Standard Specification for Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles for Use in Asphalt Mixtures.
4.1. Reclaimed asphalt shingles may be derived from either manufactured shingle waste or from postconsurner asphalt shingles (Note 2).
Note 2-—Various state and local regulations may be applicable to the use of asphalt shingle material. The user of this specification is advised to contact state and local transportation departments and environmental agencies to determine what additional requirements may be necessary.
4.2. Postconsumer asphalt shingles shall be processed prior to use to meet the requirements of this specification and shall consist of asphalt roll roofing, cap sheets, and shingles. including underlayment, only. Roofing debris, including coal tar epoxy, rubber materials, or other undesirable components. shall not be included or used in RAS from postconsumer asphalt shingles. Postconsumer asphalt shingles shall be certified as conforming to local requirements concerning asbestos.
4.3. Manufactured shingle waste and postconsumcr asphalt shingles shall not be blended together tbr the production of asphalt mixtures.
4.4. Reclaimed asphalt shingle samples collected and analyzed for the purpose of identifying the properties of reclaimed asphalt shingles as defined in this specification shall be representative of the reclaimed asphalt shingle material that will be used in the full production of asphalt mixtures.
5.1. Reclaimed asphalt shingles shall be processed so that 100 percent passes the 9.5 mm (3/s in.) sieve. Gradation requirements apply to processed and dry shingle material prior to the extraction of the asphalt binder.
Note 3—The asphalt mixture supplier may choose to uniformly blend fine aggregate, powdered zeolites, or reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) with the reclaimed asphalt shingles as a method of preventing the agglomeration of reclaimed asphalt shingle particles. Any amount of fine aggregate, RAP, or other material added must be considered in the final gradation of the asphalt mixture.
6.1. Reclaimed asphalt shingles shall not contain extraneous waste materials and shall be essentially nail-free. Extraneous materials such as metals, glass, rubber, soil, brick, paper, wood, and plastic shall not exceed 1.5 percent of the total mass measured Of material retained on and above the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. Nonmetallic extraneous material shall not exceed 0.5 percent of the total mass measured on material retained on and above the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve.AASHTO MP 23 pdf download.